Oops, I dropped my keys

(Video Game, VR, Game Jam)

Project Overview: "Oops I Dropped My Keys" was a VR game developed for the 2021 Global Game Jam. Titled 'Lost & Found,' the game challenges players to explore a spaceship to locate key cards needed to return home. The project aimed to deliver an engaging VR experience with intuitive interactions and complex puzzles.

My Role: Game Designer & Developer

My Responsibilities

  • Gameplay and Controls Development: Handled the development of VR gameplay mechanics and controls.
  • User Interaction Design: Designed user interactions for intuitive item usage, ensuring a smooth and engaging player experience.
  • Puzzle Creation: Crafted puzzles involving button sequences and switches to enhance gameplay complexity.
  • VR Development Techniques: Quickly learned and implemented VR development techniques using Unity and the XR Interaction Toolkit.
  • UX Design Application: Applied UX design principles such as highlighted outlines for interactive items and subtle shadows for item placement guidance.
  • User Testing: Conducted limited user testing due to time constraints, relying on internal playtesting to refine the game.
  • Game Adjustments: Made significant adjustments, such as fine-tuning VR controller responses for better handling of precise movements.

Project Years: 2021

Tools: Unity, XR Interaction Toolkit

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Oops, I dropped my keys