Orum Call Library

(B2B, SaaS, Sales Tech)

Project Overview: Orum Call Library was developed to enhance the training and efficiency of sales teams through innovative features like a call recording library with manager highlights and AI-generated transcripts. The project aimed to reduce ramp-up time for new sales reps and improve overall team performance.

My Role: Product Designer

My Responsibilities

  • User Research: Conducted weekly user interviews to gather insights and identify new opportunities, employing continuous discovery and human-centered design methodologies.
  • Design and Prototyping: Designed and prototyped the MVP using Figma, incorporating key features to support training and efficiency.
  • Feature Development: Created a call recording library with manager highlights and AI-generated transcripts to streamline training processes.
  • Collaboration: Worked closely with the project manager, engineering lead, and other stakeholders to ensure alignment with business goals and technical feasibility.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Honed rapid prototyping skills and made swift, informed design decisions to enhance user experience and meet project objectives.

Project Year: 2022

Tools: Figma

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Orum Call Library